Rambling for Kirwan Uniting Church's Keep in Touch newsletter 29 March 2020
In two weeks, it will be Easter. Among the bible texts that we turn to, is Job 19:25, “I know that my Redeemer lives”. We might even dig out the Messiah CD or .mp3 which we played during the Christmas season, fast forwarding to the lovely soprano aria. But there’s more to Job’s story than his firm assurance that “in my flesh I shall see God”. The internet abbreviation, TL:DR stands for “Too long, don’t read” (or “didn’t read”). Lots of us append that to the first 18 chapters of Job, particularly chapters 1 and 2 when Satan tells God that, first, Job only trusts Him because he (Job) is well off, and then, after Job loses all of his wealth and family, that second, Job still trusts God because he has his health. In the story, one of the oldest parts of the Hebrew bible, God allows Satan to take away Job’s health, too. We are in a better position, unfortunately, to have insight into Job’s predicament as we isolate ourselves for self-protection and community protection for the dur...