Rambling for Kirwan Uniting Church Keep in Touch newsletter 19 April 2020
First, this week’s online service is provided by the Moderator, Rev David Baker. I’ll send the link out on Saturday so that you can watch from home church on Sunday morning (or whenever you like, one of the silver linings of this novel way of worshipping). And I’ll take DVDs round to internetless folk.
On this topic of online stuff, I have a number of Zoomy meetings during the week. Some with Presbytery, some with Elders and CoM, with the Pastoral Care group, with a couple of other groups which I belong to. And Thursday morning sees a Zoom version of what the City’s ministers used to do in Real Life™ at Macca’s, an early prayer meeting. Forgetting to mute my mike can be embarrassing. The dog barks her head off at a sensitive point in someone’s earnest prayer. Leisa brings me in a coffee (at which I forget to suspend video), and I thank her profusely and give a running commentary on my colleagues, including, for the AoG, their distinctive style of extemporaneous prayer. The Uniting Church ministers glower at me. But look, I do have to thank Leisa. That first coffee of the morning (we kick off with tea) is soooo welcome.
Palm Sunday’s Luke reading, just a couple of weeks ago, had Pharisees scolding Jesus because the crowds were shouting “Hosanna!”. Jesus replied that if the crowds hadn’t barracked for him, “the stones will cry out” (Lk 19:40). Sometimes, we just have to express gratitude for what God has done for us in Christ, even if we’ve not muted our praise button.
Along Greenwood Park’s paths are dotted decorated stones, you might have something similar in your parks and walkways. Last weekend, many of them bore legends like “Jesus is Alive!”, “Christ is Risen!”, “Happy Easter.” Who knows who’s responsible? Northreach Baptist, perhaps. But whoever is/are the mysterious artist/s, knew that even if our church buildings are silent, the stones cry out “Thine be the Glory”.
Along Greenwood Park’s paths are dotted decorated stones, you might have something similar in your parks and walkways. Last weekend, many of them bore legends like “Jesus is Alive!”, “Christ is Risen!”, “Happy Easter.” Who knows who’s responsible? Northreach Baptist, perhaps. But whoever is/are the mysterious artist/s, knew that even if our church buildings are silent, the stones cry out “Thine be the Glory”.
Don’t mute your mike. Except on Thursday morning.
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