Ramble for Kirwan Uniting Church Keeping in Touch pew sheet 21 February 2021

Perhaps the only people who don’t know about my current pash on air fryers, are the Martians whom NASA’s Perseverance rover is looking for. If any Martians intercept Keeping in Touch, and wonder what an air fryer is, it’s a sort of egg-looking thing, the size of a large food mixer, which whirls hot air around food in a basket to cook it. And crisp it. And make it yummy. But I digress.

I’ve wanted one for a couple of years, but sensible Leisa said

1 We haven’t got room on the kitchen bench, and

2 It doesn’t do anything which an oven can’t do.

So far as (2) is concerned, frozen chips, and frozen battered fish and chips, didn’t change her mind. But wait: a pork roast came out exactly right, with crackling to die for. As did salmon fillets with asparagus. No conventional oven competes. This morning, cheese and ham toasties beat anything which a sandwich press could produce. As for (1), we find intermittent room on the kitchen bench, so long as I hide the device in the ballroom between cooking gigs.

You see, it took tasting to bring Leisa round.

King David (he wasn’t king at this point) ran away from Saul (who was king) in fear of his life. But in a classic case of out of the frying pan (unintended cooking pun) into the fire, he escaped to Achish, king of Philistine Gath, only to have Achish’s staff shop him, and had to flee from Achish in turn by feigning madness (1 Samuel 21).

That episode spurred Psalm 34. David attributed his rescue from first, Saul, then Achish, to

“This poor man called, and the Lord heard him;

he saved him out of all his troubles.
The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,
and he delivers them.”

Er, what’s this got to do with air fryers?

David goes on,

“Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in him”.

In my long, mixed up, incident-laden life, how do I know that the Lord is good?

I’ve taken the taste test.


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