Ramble for Kirwan Uniting Church Keeping in Touch pew sheet 18 September 2022

 So today, as I type this, is Leisa’s and my wedding anniversary. It was a mad mad wedding weekend in 1990. I landed in Brisbane from UK on Friday morning, we went straight downtown to buy our rings (we had been apart, Leisa in Australia, me in UK, for months, this was our first ring-shopping opportunity.) Then to church to rehearse a solo, Bach’s “Jesu, Joy” with the organist, Leisa’s aunt, because I was to sing at Leisa’s sister’s wedding the next day, Saturday. Leisa in the meanwhile was doing what chief bridesmaids have to do to help her sister prepare. Then Saturday, her sister’s wedding. Then Sunday, our wedding - Leisa’s sister was matron of honour. Wednesday, we flew back to UK. Phew. We’re barely getting over it 32 years later.

Now because we bought our rings in such a hurry, they never really fitted properly. Mine certainly didn’t. After my father died, I kept his wedding ring in a box. Then just a few years ago, since I’ve been at Kirwan, I thought to myself, I wonder if a jeweller can make one ring out of my father’s and mine? One ring which fits? And a jeweller could and did, a fine ring it is too.


I guess the most well-known mention of a ring in the Bible is Luke 15, the father calling for a ring to be put on his returned prodigal son’s finger. We looked at it in last week’s service. That ring signified unconditional love, and an intimate familial relationship. Other instances, eg Haggai 2, portray a ring as a mark of covenant. A faithful servant is said to be God’s signet ring!


A ring, it doesn’t need to be a wedding ring, it might be an ear ring, a nose ring (Genesis 24, Rebekah), whatever ring, is a great reminder of God’s covenant and unconditional love for us. That love, like the geometry of a ring, has no beginning and no end. So go on, look down at your finger, tug your ear, pull your nose, and think - I am loved!


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