Rambling for Kirwan Uniting Church Keeping in Touch pew sheet 23 October 2022
Many of you know that Leisa and I have been house hunting. However temporary – only 6 months! – I thought my Townsville sojourn would be when I first turned up in July 2018, we have grown to love the city (but most of all, you all of course!) to which events have brought and kept us. So, we have put down roots here. We’ve said that before, mind you, and somehow we get uprooted. Man proposes, God disposes, is the saying. “Homo proponit, sed Deus disponit” as Helen Beck would have taught it. It looks now that those roots will find a home in a lovely cottagey Queenslander in West End.
Perhaps the most well-known allusion in scripture to house-hunting and house-finding is John 14. “In my Father’s house”. Literally, the Greek is “In the household of my Father remain many dwellings” or many abidings. Realestate.com.au displays icons like 2🛏️ 2🛁 2🚘 to let you know how many rooms/bathrooms/car spaces a house has. And it tags on a Google map so that you can find the place.
The disciples wanted to know those details. In answer to Philip’s plaintive request, “How do we know where to find you?”, Jesus tells them that He is the Way, the Google Map, as well as the destination. And that destination will never run out of room, because it’s – here’s that word again – rooted in a relationship not a geo-location, in the Father’s household, in the family into which we’ve been adopted.
Will West End be our “forever home” in this life as we thought Cedar Creek was? In the will of the Lord, yes. But the Psalmist reassures troubled hearts as Jesus reassured the disciples: I shall dwell in the House of the Lord for ever.
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